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Fun in Fours

Results For "Month: February 2008"

The Girl, Updated

Maja commented about preferring pictures of L to pictures of a very blue 55-gallon drum. (I didn’t provide a translation, but trust me, that’s what she said. To which K replied, “I just hope we won’t become known in the neighborhood as ‘those people with the blue barrel’.”) And then Nana and Papa mentioned the lack of Girl pictures of late.

How did this happen? Are we not doting anymore?

Well, we have been taking pictures. I just haven’t been posting them.

How about a video instead?

To Do List

Rather, “Done” list:

  • chop wood
  • haul wood to storage location (i.e., corner of the carport)
  • carry unusable wood to the roadside
  • make a trip to Lowe’s for various equipment
  • chop, cut, and pull large stand of thorn bushes
  • dig, cut, pull up half of the impressive root system of said bushes
  • take bushes and roots out to the roadside
  • rake up leaves formerly inaccessible due to the stand of bushes
  • vacuum car
  • wash car
  • work on clogged drain
  • do grocery shopping
  • drink beer
  • collapse

Out, out!

There’s a revival of the practice of exorcism in Poland.

One of the recruits is the Rev. Wieslaw Jankowski, a priest with the Institute for Studies on the Family, a counseling center outside Warsaw. He said priests at the institute realized they needed an exorcist on staff after encountering an increase in people plagued by evil.

Typical cases, he said, include people who turn away from the church and embrace New Age therapies, alternative religions or the occult. Internet addicts and yoga devotees are also at risk, he said.

“This is a service which is sorely needed,” said Jankowski, who holds a doctorate in spiritual theology. “The number of people who need help is intensifying right now.”

Jankowski cited the case of a woman who asked for a divorce days after renewing her wedding vows as part of a marriage counseling program. What was suspicious, he said, was how the wife suddenly developed a passionate hatred for her husband.

“According to what I could perceive, the devil was present and acting in an obvious way,” he said. “How else can you explain how a wife, in the space of a couple of weeks, could come to hate her own husband, a man who is a good person?”

I guess gone are the days, by and large, of attributing demon possession only to cases of people with spinning heads who spew pea soup, or at the very least, speak in tongues unknown to the victim new a husky, gravely voice. But there are still cases of Regan-esque possession:

Exorcists said the people they help can be in the grip of evil to varying degrees. Only a small fraction, they said, are completely possessed by demons — which can cause them to display inhuman strength, speak in exotic tongues, recoil in the presence of sacred objects or overpower others with a stench.

In those cases, the exorcists must confront the devil directly, using the power of the church to order it to abandon its host. More often, however, priests perform what some of them refer to as “soft exorcisms,” using prayer to rid people of evil influences that control their lives. (Washington Post)

Prayer is so much less dramatic than burning holy water, though.

What’s troubling about the article is that there is no representation of the opposing viewpoint. Not all Catholics believe that internet addiction can be cured with holy water and prayer. Not all Catholics attribute mental illness to Satan. Not all Poles think that Yoga leads to possession.

Test Smokin’

We did a test-burn yesterday.


The draw was almost too strong, Dziadek said.

The next step was to get the meat ready for real smoking:


Next step — apply a carcinogenic coating to the meat.

Smokin’ (Part II)

Whenever Papa comes here to help, I often end up helping him. It’s always been that way.

It was no different with Dziadek and the smoker.


So now the smoker’s almost done, but not tested.


That’s tomorrow. And next weekend, the first adventures.


Prophetic comments about ten years before his own death coming home from a concert.

And then there’s the music.


“There’s no good sandwich meat in America!”

Dziadek has stated several times. And that’s critical, for sandwich meat — cold cuts, in other words — is a cornerstone of the Polish diet.

What else are you going to eat for breakfast?

Nothing fills you up for the day like, say, a head cheese (which, for the uninitiated, is pretty much what it sounds like) sandwich with a cup of hot tea.

What are we left to do? Dziadek decided there’s only one solution: make our own cold cuts — which requires a smoker. Which requires a cinder block foundation and a 55-gallon drum. Yes, we’re going high class.

Yesterday, we dug out the foundation, mortared the cinder blocks together, began making the necessary modifications to the drum, cut down a dead oak, and went to Home Depot at least half a dozen times.

Today, we build the fire pit and attach the drum to the base. And eventually paint it.

Aesthetic concerns aside (how much does that privacy fence cost again?), I’m looking forward to having homemade ham.


Last weekend we were in Charleston. Fun city — European, old, classy. At least that’s what I heard. I didn’t get to see much because the Girl decided to get sick, and I stayed with her in the hotel.

Dziadek and K went to see the USS Yorktown


And Fort Sumter


Looks like fun.

Meanwhile, L and I sat in the hotel room, playing games, laughing, napping, and having a generally nice Saturday.