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Results For "pets"

Cat Toy

“I’m making a play area for the cat,” the Girl explains.

Making the Cat Toy

If only her idea of playing with the cat included gentleness: she might have more success.

Cats and Dogs

A few weeks ago we kept some friends’ dogs for the week. I realized anew why I prefer cats.

If pets were animals, Bogart would play cats while dogs would be played by Jim Carey.

New Family Member

“We need to get a dog. L is growing fast and we should teacher her that she’s not the center of the universe,” said K. Or something like that.

“Dog equals lots of work and time training, lots of money getting some sort of barrier device installed, lots of time cleaning up accidents, lots of barking, lots of walking at inopportune times, lots of ‘lots’ we don’t have lots of,” I responded, only not nearly so cleverly.

We agreed on something of a compromise:


Meet Yet-Unamed.


He’s a three-year-old abandoned sweetie who’s obviously been around a lot of children: he’s as patient with L as any parent could want. Sure, he has his limits — then he just gets up and walks off…