Matching Tracksuits

Fun in Fours


Sunday 9 December 2018 | general

A snowy Sunday morning really has to start with bacon, eggs, and a couple of cinnamon buns. The long-awaited snow arrived, beginning last night, and we were all excited to see white outside in the morning.

As is the case more often than not when we finally do get snow, there was not much of it to speak of. Wet and heavy, it sat on the yard with blades of grass sticking up almost everywhere.

The kids were eager to get out as soon as possible, especially E.

“Let’s make a snow fort!” he squealed.

“I don’t think it’s good snow for that,” K tried to explain. “It’s too wet. Wet, wet, wet,” she said, but E wasn’t convinced. What six-year-old living in South Carolina would be? Snow is snow is snow.

We had similar a year ago:


Heading out, we discovered the freezing mix that followed it had coated most everything with a layer of ice, leaving K to worry if her rosemary bush, which seems indestructible, might indeed finally die. But there were more important things, like a dog that was thrilled to be in the snow and two kids almost as excited.

We decided to head out and see what the neighborhood looked like. Part of that was to gauge how K might make it to work tomorrow and part of it was to estimate whether we’d be heading back to school on Wednesday or Thursday.

Monday and Tuesday, we knew, would be a wash. The temperature is supposed to drop Monday night, leaving everything an even slicker mess, and even if it didn’t, our county is huge, running up into the foothills up north. Even if it’s passable here, it’s not there.

Our exploring showed us that we weren’t the only ones out: there were a few tracks left behind by brave souls — tongue in cheek there — who went out in the snow (which was more slush than anything on the road and entirely drive-able), and we encountered a couple returning home with staples in hand — beer and chips.

The Boy, golf club in hand, enjoyed exploring all the places the slush looked like ice. He slapped and swung at every slushy puddle he saw.

The Girl was thrilled to have the dog in tow.

In the evening, K made the pierogi and uszka we’ll be having Christmas Eve. The Boy got to play with some dough, and I was given the boot since I don’t work well with perogi, K in formed me.