Coming Snow

We’ve heard about it all week, which is typical here in South Carolina. Yet it’s so unpredictable that forecasters no longer call it “a winter storm” or “a snow storm” but rather “a winter weather event.”

At the beginning of the week, the story had it that it was supposed to start Saturday morning. There would be tons of snow or tons of ice or both. And what fell would stick around for a while, because the temperature was supposed to stay low for some time.

A bit frustrating — using up a snow day just a couple of weeks before winter break. The make-up day switches to a regular school day, and we lose that little respite in March or April when we actually need it.

But in the end, there’s little purpose in fretting about it. The weather is out of our control, and the decision to cancel school is out of our control.

What was in our control today was how to spend the rainy, cold evening. We’re probably the last on our block to put up our Christmas tree, but we have an excuse: K’s Polish roots require — demand — a compromise on the “Up Just After Thanksgiving” (or, these days, before Thanksgiving) “Down On Boxing Day” American tree tradition and the “Up a Couple of Days Before Christmas Down at the End of January” Polish tradition.

We go mid-December to mid-January. Today I guess we were a little ahead of schedule.

And the snow? As I write, there’s a light dusting on everything and more coming.