Matching Tracksuits

Fun in Fours


Wednesday 30 December 2009 | general

Lights are an integral part of Christmas. Certainly everyone breathed a Christmas sigh of relief with the proliferation of electricity: no more candles on dried firs. And outdoor displays enter the realm of possibility.


Add the invention of the airplane, digital cameras, powerful flashes, and unleaded fuel and you get the perfect Christmas image — post-Christmas, of course.


Most of the Christmas exhibition at Roper Mountain was open to cars only, though — how thoroughly American.


We walked through the small pedestrian portion,


took some pictures, and still more


before getting back in the car and continuing on the winding road through the lights. Stopping was prohibited, as was exiting the car, so the pictures end here.

What a shame we couldn’t have the option of exploring it all on foot. Then again, much of that would have entailed L in arms, so perhaps it’s for the best.