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Results For "Month: April 2000"

Weekly Writing

My weekly, pathetic journal entry. The end of the month and I’m at the top of page seven. I should be flogged — after the journal I kept in Poland, I feel so guilty about writing so very little. “Guilty” is perhaps the wrong word — I don’t know what the right word is, but I don’t like “guilty.” It’s just a little odd — I feel sad I guess that my life isn’t so filled with activity and interactions as it used to be. I’ve been keeping an extensive journal up to this point because I was in college, then in Poland — lots of interaction with lots of people. Now, few people at work.

That being said, lots of stuff could be written about how things are going at work. First, Friday was our last day in Arlington — tomorrow I take the 86 all the way to Sullivan, then take the Orange Line to Wellington Station. I’ve no idea how long that will take, but it sounds like a slightly easier commute in a way. But I have fewer choices coming home — I must take the 86, so I’ll have to keep track of the time better since it leaves so infrequently at night. Anyway, that’s not the truly interesting event-of-the-week. More significantly — things on the religion course have been shaken up quite a bit. Val, Adam, Kali, Rob, and I had a meeting on Tuesday about the future of the religion course. Adam had finally read the proposed demo chapters and come to the conclusion that we need to write the theme chapters last. And, to a large degree, I now agree. In fact, I’ve proposed — or will — that we finish up the Judaism chapters and market it as A Thematic Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism and clean up the Christianity chapters to be marked as An Introduction to the Life of Jesus as Presented in the Gospels or some similar nonsense and then start all over and write a true introduction to world religions. We can follow the thematic outline/idea set forth at the beginning, but at any rate, I don’t think we’re going to be doing ourselves any good by continuing this project as it stands.

Another decision I’ve made — I’m going to do everything in my power to be working full time with on the tech side within a year. I’m going to talk to Peter tomorrow to see if he’s still willing and desiring such a thing, and if he’d be willing to pay for me to take an intro to Java course. Then I’ll have to talk to Rob, Kali, and Val about this and see if I can get the cliché wheels in motion. The whole religion project is getting to be a nasty mess and I want less and less to do with it. I’ve been working with the Visual Basic editor in Word and Excel and thoroughly enjoying it — I think that’s what I want to do. It might get my personal writing back on track if I’m not spending all day reading and writing about religion as it stands.

Sunday Afternoon

Instead, I stayed inside all day and developed pictures — about 25 total. It amazes me how much time is required just for a few pictures. I think I’m getting faster and faster, but it’s growing to be a bit of a pain in the ass. I’d love to have a little room like the shoe/coat room in the LW apartment where I could leave it all set up — including the chemcials, covered in plastic wrap or something — and then I could just go in and develop three or four pictures here and there and it wouldn’t be so damn time consuming. But I would also probably spend more money doing it that way (by developing more pictures, of course) , so maybe this is for the best.

No letters this week. A bit of a disappointment, but nothing major. I have consolation in the fact that I’ll be leaving for Poland in only a few weeks now. In two months and a week, in fact, I’ll be arriving in Lipnica. And in two months, a week, and a few hours, I’ll be walking in to urek again for the first time in over a year, seeing tons of people I haven’t seen in ages. Well, not “ages” — that makes it sound like it’s been a matter of years as opposed to a single year. Of course for me, in many ways, it has been more than a year.

Things at DLG are fine. I did a shitload of hours this week, but I guess that’s good. I finished reading all the theme and Christianity chapters we’ve received thus far. We’re still waiting on the “Casting Jesus” chapter from Harvey Cox, but I’ve no idea when that will arrive. Some of the last chapters Whit wrote, though, were absolutely awful. The chapter on sacrifice was so poorly organized with so many content questions that it was all I could do to make my way through it. The introductory chapters for both “courses” had about 700 words in common — he plagiarized himself, basically. Does he deserve the $10,000 for getting it in before 15 April? I’ve no idea. I’m inclined to say he deserves some of it — maybe $5,000, but Rob thinks that Bob will want it to be an all-or-nothing deal. Who knows.

The point is, I’ve done everything I can do now and I’m just waiting for a content developer to go back and deal with all the issues I have. I think some of the chapters are just going to have to be re-written. That bit on Durkheim is completely inadequate — in fact, it’s not even accurate. So frustrating. And the sacrifice chapter — a waste. The chapter on the resurrection and appearances — a waste. He spends most of his time in that chapter talking about what Jesus is like in the Gospel of John. Three pages on the resurrection, then six on some nonsense.

Jim M. (editor for Western Civ I) said that Val told him about a conversation he (Val) and with someone from Houghton Mifflin about writing textbooks. When they get the text from the author, they look at it and if it’s not acceptable, the send it back and tell the prof to re-write. If it’s still unacceptable, they send it back again — and they don’t pay until they’re happy with the product. Not a bad approach. Would it work for us? Who knows.

April Thoughts

I have almost nothing to write about. I haven’t written in here in about a month, and yet I really have to think hard to figure out what I could possibly write about. I could write about how much I worked this week (50+ hours counting the time I spent there yesterday afternoon), but what’s the point of that? I worked my ass off — I spent more time than I care to think about writing and editing definitions and profiles. It was about Tuesday or Wednesday when I realized that the terms for Theme 2 hadn’t been taken care of, so I had to add about 400 hits to’s counter.

I had class Wednesday, and I got back my mid-term before class. Embarrassing what I wrote — I can’t believe how carried away I got. “Less passion and more analysis,” he wrote as his final comment. Which was a just criticism, certainly. Despite all that, I got an A- on it. So I might actually make an A for the course — rather, an A-. And here I am, thinking about dropping the whole thing. In fact, I’ve more or less decided to hold off for at least a semester (if that’s permissible). I’m finding myself thinking, “What’s the point of getting a degree when I won’t be able to find a job with it afterwards?” I spend lots of time — until I’m in my early-mid thirties, at least — and tons of money for what? An advanced degree that qualifies me for one thing: university position. Or content editor with DLG.

I got some mail this week, from Edyta as well as a letter from Bogusia and Lidka jointly — i po polsku. Anyway, about Edyta. I’ve finally stopped thinking about her so damn much. I still have these crazy “what-if” thoughts run through my head, but not nearly so much. And I’m wondering now whether I’ll say a single thing about it to her when I see her this summer.

The letter from Bogusia and Lidka was sweet. They wrote, “Bardzo si cieszymy, że pryjeziesz na wakacje do Lipnicy i obiecujemy, że zrobimy wszystko aby się z Tobą spotkać.” They wrote about how difficult their practice matura was, concluding, “Mamy tylko nadzieję, że prawdziwa będzie trochę łatwiejsza.” I hope they do well on their English matura — that’s the one I’m primarily interested in, of course, but I also realize that the teacher administering the exam will be nice. Of course I’m sure Adam will be there, but he’ll have his head up his ass and he won’t have the slightest clue what’s going on.

Speaking of Danuta, I guess I owe her a letter now that I think about it. I should jot something on the way to work tomorrow if possible.

One other thing from their letter: “. . . to po nas pierwszy zdarzy o nam się korespondowa z nauczycielem, z którem mogłyby my rozmawiać jak z koegą.” That’s exactly what I was trying to achieve there — a sense of trust. I knew I succeeded, but it’s nice to get confirmation like that od czasu do czasu. They also “informed” the whole class that I’ll be coming and they’ve all essentially promised to do what they can to meet me. I’ll have to send a letter soon informing folks, “I will be at Żurek on 2 July 2000, and I expect everyone to be there!” That might not be the best place to meet everyone, though. Perhaps I could set up something else. We’ll see.