It’s 9:36 in the evening, and our current indoor temperature is 82°. We’ve done the best we could to keep the temperature from rising in our air-conditioner-less house, but though the temperature is falling outside (the real kicker is that it’s currently 77° outside), it’s not falling in our house.

During my evening walk, I developed a theory about this: I think it’s because the temperature in the attic is still undoubtedly very high. Warm air rises. And if it’s got a column of warm air above it, despite the insulation between the two, it’s just going to sit there. Yeah, I know — it doesn’t make sense, but neither does an 82° house at half-past nine in the evening.

Yet thinking about it, one realizes it’s truly a first-world problem. Most of the people living in the hottest regions of the world have never had air-conditioning in their homes, and their homes are materially vastly inferior to ours.

Puts things in perspective. But we’re still tired of being sweaty…