Matching Tracksuits

Fun in Fours

Results For "music"

Low Brass, High Scores

E had the chance tonight to have his newly-acquired trombone skills evaluated. We drove to Dorman High School, saw hundreds of other kids who were being evaluated as well,

and made our way to room 9 (actually B117–not sure why they re-numbered the rooms).

The Boy walked in, performed his solo piece perfectly, and walked out with the scoresheet to prove it.

His band director took a picture and told us that students who earn a “Superior” rating must, simply must, go out for ice cream.

“We were ready for the rating,” I told Mr. K. “We bought some earlier today!”

Steve Hackett Live

It’s something D and I have wanted to experience since we were just a little older than the Boy: a live performance of old Genesis music, in this case, the entirety of Foxtrot, which includes their magnum opus, the 23-minute “Supper’s Ready.”

The whole show was amazing — but I obviously didn’t film the whole thing…

Extended Highlights


Some locals weren’t too happy about the fact that the Swedish band Ghost was going to perform locally at an amphitheater. A band whose gimmick is lyrics that openly profess love for the devil is not going to be too welcome in the Bible Belt.

So they started praying — Jeania was praying for a lightning storm and posted about it on the venue’s social media feed.

And wouldn’t you know it — a rainstorm came through and washed the concert away. Jeania will forever see this as an answer to her prayers and proof of God’s greatness. She will talk about it at church this Sunday. They might even have a hallelujah moment about it.

Meanwhile, there were many Christians posting in response: “We are Christian fans of the band.” “We recognize performance/entertainment when we see it and don’t feel threatened by it.”

Getting to Know You

Relationships are what teaching is all about. Once you have a good relationship with the kiddos, almost anything is possible. The incorrigible become a little more compliant. The withdrawn start to speak out a little more. The insecure grow a little more self-confident. It’s a wonderful thing to see.

In the past, I’ve concentrated on getting to know my students without really worrying about letting them get to know me all that well. Sure, they know a lot about me: they know I love dad jokes because I try to tell them one every day; they know I like to cycle because I ride to school occasionally; they know I love Poland because they see it in the pictures I hang all around my room and the customs I share with them during the year. But beyond that? Not too much.

So I hit on an idea and a challenge for myself: make a playlist on Spotify of songs that have I’ve loved over the years. The catch: I will never repeat an artist.

I’ve got a list made out already — up to 96 songs, and I don’t feel like I’ve gotten started…


Took the Boy to see a performance of Mahler’s Second Symphony last night. He was impressed, but not overly so…