Time Capsule Letter

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Dear Teresa,

When I met you as a seventh grader as you held the door open for students in the car line, I almost immediately found myself thinking, “I do indeed hope I get to work with her next year.” Such was the power of the first impression you made. As you progressed through eighth grade, you confirmed and deepened that first impression on an almost daily basis with your dedication, intelligence, perseverance, and humility. I know that I need not wish you all the best because you are the rare type of person who will make the best happen, who will grab every opportunity and not wait for life and blessings merely to happen but instead will bring opportunities and blessings with you everywhere you go. It has been an absolute honor and privilege to work with you this year, and I know without a doubt that when I look back over my career at some point, having you in my classroom will stand out as one of the brightest highlights.

Your Teacher