
Thursday 31 August 2006

Such an up and down job I have. If only I had a performance car with the handling of my average day: to say it turns on a dime would be an understatement.

Two boys give me hell in the morning. In the afternoon, one of them comes up to apologize, and the other faces off against me in a friendly game of air hockey. I know the apology was not voluntary, and my participation in the air hockey game was by self-invitation, but let’s not get too picky here.

Progress will be progress in the little things, the program director has told us several times, and slowly the little things will add up.


  1. And then they’ll be gone for several weeks around Christmas and you’ll get to start all over again in January. :-)

  2. Hopefully not. Realistically, thought, you’re right. Just call me Sisyphus…