Yesterday evening K and I finally went to the yearly Shindig on the Green — which this year would have been more aptly named “Shindig in the Outfield,” as the “Green” it is usually held on is being renovated.
So during the next two years, it will be at a baseball field.
We just have bad luck with the SotG, though. Yesterday it rained most of the day, and so the “official” SotG was called off. Those who showed up, though, simply listened to the musicians who either didn’t get word or had come too far simply not to show up.
Such was the case with this band, which had come all the way from Atlanta to play. And play they did, probably about ten times as much material as they were expecting. (Usually, each group gets a two-song set.)
Initially there were two “audiences,” but as the sky darkened, we all gathered into one group, with about twenty musicians playing.
And some kids out on the baseball field being kids.
More pictures at Flickr and video at YouTube. (And then there’s last year’s donkey song…)