Please Advise

Monday 6 July 2020 | general

Over the course of the last few weeks of school, I completed an online course to fulfill my tech proficiency requirement for my teaching certificate. I got a notice from someone in our administration earlier in the year that I needed to take care of that, and so I did. Now, I don’t want to sound rude or anything — it’s not that I think I’m so technologically amazing or anything — but the course I took was, for my level, useless. I learned nothing. It was all just a bunch of busy work for me. But still, busy work or no, it was required. So I got my certificate of completion and put it in our district’s professional development web site.

Shortly after that I received the following email:

Your request for Out-Of-District credit (for ” Collaboration Renewal Greenville”) has been denied.

You must login to Professional Development to view the reason your PD was denied.

Please login to Professional Development, view the reason your PD was denied, and make corrections and resubmit your request, if applicable.

Thank you,

The Professional Development Team

Why they couldn’t tell me the reason in the email is a mystery. I logged back into the professional development site and found the following explanation:

This is SDE credit and must be entered directly onto your certificate at the State Dept. Please email your documentation to [email redacted].

So I loaded the state department of education’s web site and quickly enough determined the email of the individual I needed to contact. I wrote a quick email and attached my documentation:

Ms. B—,

I have completed my tech proficiency course (see attached). My certification ID is: [redacted].

What steps do I need to take to update my certificate?

What was the response?

Good Afternoon G,

I don’t need this information. You will need to follow-up with the Greenville PCS Coordinator. This may be someone in the Greenville District Office.

Note: Technology Proficiency isn’t a requirement for your teaching certificate renewal. As of a few years ago tech proficiency is no longer printed on certificates.

I forwarded it to the district personal with a single sentence: “Please advise.”

On the sunny side of things, I took a bike ride this morning at 6:30 and saw this lovely view as the sun came up:


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