Always Changing

Wednesday 9 November 2022

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years in the Greenville county school system it’s that nothing last forever.

Don’t like some software the district is requiring you to use? Don’t worry: the powers that be will change their mind in a few years. (I’m lookin’ at you, Mastery Connect.)

Tired of all the jargonistic names of things? Never fear: they’ll create new jargon and new acronyms based on it shortly.

Don’t like the required verbiage in the district’s lesson plan templates? Don’t fret: they’ll change that within a few years.

Feeling antipathy for the district’s teacher evaluation program? No worries: they’ll change it in a few years.

Don’t like the required template for self-reflection and the format of the accompanying meetings with administrators regarding such self-reflection? Don’t worry: they’ll change that.

Every year they change something. And every year, we hear the same thing: “This new gadget/program/template/software is a game changer.” Always looking for that silver bullet.

The only constant thing in this school district is the inevitable major change every few years.

At first, this used to bother me greatly. Not anymore. I’ve come to expect it. Every time we have a meeting, my thought is, “Okay, what are they changing now.”