Day 24: Legos and “Weeds”

Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Boy got a fair amount of money from Babcia for a) his first communion and b) his birthday. Both are over a month away; the latter is sure to happen, the former, not so much. But Babcia sent the money early because she wanted to be sure it got here in time.

“I’m rich!” he squealed and began plotting how to spend the money.

“Not so fast!” K jumped in. The money for first communion must go toward something, well, churchy. “Do you know what Ciocia Z bought me for my first communion?” K asked E. “The image of Saint K that’s over our bed.”

“In your bedroom?”


“You still have it?” We tried to explain that yes, that is the point.

As for his birthday money, well, that’s his to spend as he wishes. Within reason. “You’re not spending it all on Pokemon cards!” K and I said in chorus — or if we didn’t, we at least thought it at the same time. Roughly.

There is, of course, one thing we’re always willing to let him buy: Legos. Anything that simultaneously builds, I don’t know, the ability to follow technical directions (when building the sets) and encourages creativity (when building everything else after the set has been demolished and all the blocks added to the growing collection) is to be valued.

“Daddy, I’m going to take my time with this set!” he proclaimed as he opened all the numbered bags and carefully poured them into bowls (that’s where they are, K, when you’re looking for them).

With all the free time he has now, that’s a good idea. But even if it goes faster than he planned, there’s always some trimming to do.