
Sunday 16 June 2019


The Boy started the day with K on the back deck, working on something the Boy didn’t really enjoy and also making a Father’s Day card for me. I went out with a cup of coffee, and they resorted to whispers.


A 12.67km bike ride with the Boy. He tackled some climbs that he’s never conquered before, and a couple of climbs that always kick his butt kicked his butt again. The one surprise: a climb he’s never made it up kicked him. He stopped halfway up. It’s a tricky climb: off-road, with a sharp left that also ramps up in steepness. He took a drink of water as he rested while I showed him how to take such a challenging turn.

“Hit it from the outside, then turn in sharply,” I said. “Want to try it again?”


And he got it.


The buzz going around the Polish community lately: Aldi is selling kabanos, and all the Poles’ opinion was unanimous — surprisingly good. Today, I noticed them in Aldi. I showed a package to Kinga. Her eyes got big. “How many should we get?” I asked. “All of them,” she said.

And of course, there was a bonfire.