Good Day

Monday 2 November 2015

DSCF7036Have you ever had a good day? Well, I did today!!!! It was a really good day.

  1. When I got to school today my teacher told me to go to the library so I can be the leader of the month. So I went on the morning news, and said my name, grade, and teacher. Then I got a picture, sticker, and two coupons.
  2. We had a sub in P.E. ( she was my P.E. teacher last year and I got to see her again).
  3. We got to start reading groups.
  4. We ONLY had half a math sheet and spelling for homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. We got to watch Goosebumps for recess ( it was raining all day).
  6. E (my brother), mama (my mother), and I went to McDonald’s for ice cream (that was one of the coupons).

That was my good day.