Measuring Success

Sunday 1 June 2014

They come in as strangers, and by now, their reactions and behavior are almost predictable. I have only a few more days with these students who’ve undergone so many transformation in less than a year, and then soon, they’ll be strangers again. One or two will send an occasional email, that’s certain; I’ll see one or two here or there every how and then. Some have younger siblings, so I’ll see them at awards nights in the future or in the car line if their sibling is the first dropped off. The rest, though, disappear for all intents and purposes, as I repeat the process next year, learning new names, new faces, new habits.

How do I know if it’s been a successful year, though? What metric allows me to make this determination? Is a letter from a student enough? Are test scores enough? (Our principal informed us that our End of Course exams for high school credit courses were the best “in a long time.” Is that a good metric?)