Barszcz in the Family

Wednesday 26 February 2014

What Polish family would be truly Polish if barszcz weren’t a favorite? For as long as I can remember, the Girl has adored it, placed it almost at the very top of her favorite food list — just below pizza, of course.

The Boy has been warming to the idea, and tonight, he decided it was time to get serious about beet root soup.

Somehow he managed to get two spoons, and he did make use of both of them.

That only left one family member: the cat. K, though, solved that problem today, taking a few seconds that L hadn’t managed to finish, running them through a food processor to grind up the sausage (the poor old girl has lost almost all her teeth), and pouring the resulting purple mush into Bida’s bowl.

And so now it’s official: the Scott family, to a person/cat, loves beetroot soup.