May Afternoon Walk

Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Boy, the Girl, and I went out for a walk this afternoon, to see what we could see.


We saw all our lovely neighbors:

  • the ones with the sweet but somewhat kitschy flower bed in their front yard, the bed that includes an old screen door leaning against a tree with “Welcome” painted on it;
  • the ones that are installing a new driveway on the far side of their house, providing their domicile with twin entrances;
  • the ones who work hard to keep the subdivision name sign clean and the planter in front of it planted;
  • the ones who seem to have enough people for four houses living under one roof;
  • the ones with the lovely ivy growing up their house;
  • the ones who have the cute variety of flowers growing along the driveway.


And the ones, busted just today, who were cooking meth in their garage.


These fine folks were taking up the slack caused when our other neighbors (and I use this term loosely, for they all live several, several houses from us, but in the same neighborhood) got slack and were busted just before Thanksgiving 2010.