Lent 2012: Day 5

Sunday 26 February 2012

This post was written at a time when I considered myself Catholic. I no longer hold those views. These thoughts do not necessarily represent my current thoughts.

the immense power of kindness in bringing out the good points of the characters of others

When I can lift myself above my wounded ego — “What?! How dare you be cruel or disrespectful to me, who is only trying to help you get an education!” — and respond thoughtfully and kindly, a change sometimes occurs, a softening, a reflective moment of calm.

A kind word or tone can transform conflicts into positive experiences. A simple kindness of offering to help a kid by holding books while he rummages through his locker can bring a smile where once there was anger.

Even if all is well in the student’s life at the moment, an act of kindness can echo into the future. Relationships are like bank accounts: we can make deposits through kindness that will give us a buffer against emotionally stressful withdrawals.

The quoted excerpt is from Father Frederick Faber’s Spiritual Conferences, excerpted here.


  1. Czesc Gary, czy przez 40 dni postu nie bedzie zdjec ? :) :( Pozdrawiam

    • Nah…