
Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Girl is a fan of summer snacking — what kid isn’t, I suppose. She always seems most attracted to the foods that make the biggest mess.


But then again, what kid isn’t? What’s the point of eating something sweet if you can’t, at the same time, wear it? That is a convenience born of the fact that watermelon and ice cream taste better in the summer. Who would want to clean up such a mess inside? Better to let it drip and leave a small bit of sweetness for the ants.

Ice cream is a different story altogether, and at the same time, it’s just a variation watermelon. Sweet and sticky, they both leave a trail behind. But only ice cream is affected by the clothes one wears.


Sunday dresses always make ice cream taste best.

1 Comment

  1. Papa cuts the watermelon into bite size pieces and gives her the “favorite” fork…..Nana cuts her favorite popsicle in half and gives her the stick end, of course. Sure makes clean-up easier and NO ANTS!!!!