Rise to the Top

Thursday 24 September 2009

For many years of my youth, my mother and I went on Wednesday afternoons to a nearby farm to get fresh milk. The cream would sit on top, a visible band of white that dared you to disturb it.

Eventually, the couple stopped producing milk for sale and we went back to store-bought milk. It was a let-down.

Through a friend, though, K and I have found another farm.


Now if K’s mother were only here for a visit so she could make her amazing doughnuts…


  1. I remember those days well in Rock Hill, SC. I used to buy about 20 to 24 gallons of milk a week and distribute them to our family and friends. When we moved to Bristol, VA we bought milk and butter every week from Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. She later died and Mr. Campbell didn’t want to continue doing the milking and churning she did for so many years. Then sadly we reverted back to “store bought” milk. Ahh. Those were the days…

  2. Ojej tez przydaloby mi sie swieze mleko , moglabym zrobic prawdziwe kwasne mleko, a potem orawska zupe z salaty na nim, racuchy z jablkami, twarog, itp polskie smakolyki:) ktorych z kupowanego mleka w kartonie nie ma szans uzyskac takich idealnych smakow, wszytko jez gorzkie. USCISKI DLA wAS