Co Powie Tata?

Tuesday 6 May 2008

L loves music. One of her favorite albums is a CD of Natalia Kukulska’s childhood songs. When I listen to them, I feel like I’m at a Polish wedding, for the music has that ’80’s, canned-music sound in which wedding bands tend to specialize. I’m not to crazy about it, but L loves it — and that’s all that matters.

One of the songs on the album is “Co Powie Tata?” — “What Will Daddy Say?”. (The English version of the song translates it “Please Tell Me, Daddy,” but that’s really only to make it fit the melody — literary license and all that.) It’s a song about all the questions a little girl has about ladybugs and whether it’s possible to love a snail. Cute lyrics, like all most children’s songs.

K tells me that today, when they got home, L was listening to that and recognized one word: “tata.” She looked at K, asked quizzically “Tata?”, then began the search. She looked in the bathroom, peeked in the shower, and generally wandered about the house looking for me.

Before we know it, she’s going to be demanding to know where I was when she finally sees me after such a search…

(As an aside, this is what Natalia’s up to these days.)

1 Comment

  1. I used to love Co Powie Tata, but I was much older than L when it came out. Now when I play it for A, I sort of cringe because it does have that canned poppy synthy sound that I’ve come to dislike.