Oh, what a beautiful morning…

Friday 7 September 2007

A teacher who wakes up thinking, “Oh my, what lovely light streaming in through the window” on an early-September Thursday morning has such calming thoughts for only a few milliseconds until the realization hits, the panic sets in, and stupid certainty that there’s no way he’ll get to work on time.


  1. So how late were you. The danger of being late is you take unnecessary risks. Having just experienced a costly collision – but gratefully no serious injuries – I’m twice shy about taking risks. The alternative to being a little more late could be disaterous.

  2. Oh, not too bad — 25 minutes or so. I walked in and had five minutes before my first class started.

    But then I went out and bought a dual-alarm clock and set one for 5:30, one for 5:45, then moved the old one to the chest-of-drawers and set it for 6:00. As I said to my immediate supervisor, “It will never happen again.”