Back in the States

Wednesday 22 June 2005

Kinga and I arrived safely at Newark at 4:45 Monday afternoon — ten minutes early, much to our shock. Our first flight to Charlotte was cancelled, so we we didn’t arrive home until after two in the morning, with the trip from Charlotte and everything.

Yesterday was spent unpacking. Today, the first installment of the family arrives.

No rest for the weary…


  1. Oh hey! You’re in my old stomping grounds! Hope the weather over there is treating you better than it is us here. Soak up that air conditioning! :)

  2. Welcome back! Now you have easy access to CNN. Lucky you.

  3. Yeah—well, in theory. My parents are, um, Fox News fans.

    Enough said…

  4. Hello Gary, today I read you side for the first time, it is quite interestnig. I regret that we didn’t talk more during this year, but I was ashamed about my level of English and I was nervous – I was at work so I could think only about it. I don’t know if I will continue working at school, economic subjects which I teach is to less. I would like to teach, but I don’t know if I would have such opportunity. My friend Halina who I named during your english lessons with us Helen has request to YOu, she wants you to help her with a thesis. She will write to you and explan all.
    What to say, I wish you and your wife all the best, be happy and see you of course.