School Thoughts

Monday 26 November 2001

Today I had the unfortunate but all-too-frequent experience of having my schedule changed at the last minute. No — today was a first. It wasn’t at the last minute. I was ten minutes into my lesson when [a teacher] came in and apologetically took away my whole class. There was some guest speaker and so they were whisked away for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When did they know about it? Certainly not just before the woman — a tall, lanky woman who looked to be in her forties but trying to look young and sexy — arrived. I ranted and raved about it for a little while with Danuta, but I’m over it. No sense worrying myself over it, really.

Otherwise classes went well. I had class 4a/a today (I think — Basia D’s group) and I had to pull something out of my ass because they’re one lesson ahead of the other group. I introduced them to the stupid Stinkys and I was shocked at how well they responded. After they’d established that they could talk about anything, as long as it was in English, they just chattered away.