School Christmas Show Prep

Sunday 18 November 2001

Friday: woke up to snow. I was sitting here preparing the outline for class 3b, who will be having a fairly useless test Friday1, when suddenly it started snowing — quite heavily. The sun came out, though, and the snow was gone by mid-morning. Still, it was nice while it lasted. And there’ll be more to come, certainly.

Friday night I did nothing but work on “A Christmas Carol” for the kids — rather, the girls, since no guys ever come — of the “circle of English,” something we must rename as soon as humanly possible. The plan is this: I’ll give it to them now, a couple of chapters at a time, and then we’ll discuss it during the circle, and hopefully they’ll be able to make an even more simplified version that we can put on the bulletin board in about a month. That will be great if it works out.

Friday I also talked to Mirek Smoleń about a joint circle of English/circle of music presentation during the opłotek meeting. I’m going to be teaching the girls a few Christmas carols and they’ll be teaching them in two weeks to the kids in the circle. Then we’ll perform them for the school. Not bad, I think.

1 I thought they’d done more business English stuff than they actually had. There’s in fact only about three topics, but that’s fine, I guess — the good kids will get good grades and the bad kids will get bad grades. I hope.