April Thoughts

Sunday 2 April 2000

I have almost nothing to write about. I haven’t written in here in about a month, and yet I really have to think hard to figure out what I could possibly write about. I could write about how much I worked this week (50+ hours counting the time I spent there yesterday afternoon), but what’s the point of that? I worked my ass off — I spent more time than I care to think about writing and editing definitions and profiles. It was about Tuesday or Wednesday when I realized that the terms for Theme 2 hadn’t been taken care of, so I had to add about 400 hits to Britannica.com’s counter.

I had class Wednesday, and I got back my mid-term before class. Embarrassing what I wrote — I can’t believe how carried away I got. “Less passion and more analysis,” he wrote as his final comment. Which was a just criticism, certainly. Despite all that, I got an A- on it. So I might actually make an A for the course — rather, an A-. And here I am, thinking about dropping the whole thing. In fact, I’ve more or less decided to hold off for at least a semester (if that’s permissible). I’m finding myself thinking, “What’s the point of getting a degree when I won’t be able to find a job with it afterwards?” I spend lots of time — until I’m in my early-mid thirties, at least — and tons of money for what? An advanced degree that qualifies me for one thing: university position. Or content editor with DLG.

I got some mail this week, from Edyta as well as a letter from Bogusia and Lidka jointly — i po polsku. Anyway, about Edyta. I’ve finally stopped thinking about her so damn much. I still have these crazy “what-if” thoughts run through my head, but not nearly so much. And I’m wondering now whether I’ll say a single thing about it to her when I see her this summer.

The letter from Bogusia and Lidka was sweet. They wrote, “Bardzo si cieszymy, że pryjeziesz na wakacje do Lipnicy i obiecujemy, że zrobimy wszystko aby się z Tobą spotkać.” They wrote about how difficult their practice matura was, concluding, “Mamy tylko nadzieję, że prawdziwa będzie trochę łatwiejsza.” I hope they do well on their English matura — that’s the one I’m primarily interested in, of course, but I also realize that the teacher administering the exam will be nice. Of course I’m sure Adam will be there, but he’ll have his head up his ass and he won’t have the slightest clue what’s going on.

Speaking of Danuta, I guess I owe her a letter now that I think about it. I should jot something on the way to work tomorrow if possible.

One other thing from their letter: “. . . to po nas pierwszy zdarzy o nam się korespondowa z nauczycielem, z którem mogłyby my rozmawiać jak z koegą.” That’s exactly what I was trying to achieve there — a sense of trust. I knew I succeeded, but it’s nice to get confirmation like that od czasu do czasu. They also “informed” the whole class that I’ll be coming and they’ve all essentially promised to do what they can to meet me. I’ll have to send a letter soon informing folks, “I will be at Żurek on 2 July 2000, and I expect everyone to be there!” That might not be the best place to meet everyone, though. Perhaps I could set up something else. We’ll see.