School Days

Thursday 5 September 1996

I survived my first week here, but things will only get more difficult: My schedule is slightly brutal now that I have taken on four additional hours in the primary school. I don’t know what I will do when it comes time to start a secondary project. I am going to count my time at the primary school as at least a portion of those necessary hours.

Tomorrow I am going to Kraków again. We have to pick up books for the kids. I don’t think I would mind so much if it wasn’t for the time: The bus leaves here around 6:00 a.m. The good thing is that I will be able to track down Kevin, I hope. I never thought I’d be complaining about having to go to Kraków. Have things become so commonplace already?

It is raining, again. The day began with tempting sunshine, but by the time school began there were clouds in the sky and the rain came shortly after that.