Trips to Poland
Time Machine
- 2001: School Christmas Show
- 2003: Decorating the Tree
- 2004: Singing in Class
- 2004: The Dirty Stairs
- 2006: Feeding and Sleepling
- 2006: Dear Thud
- 2006: Enter: LMS, Part I :: Friday Afternoon
- 2009: You Have Five Minutes
- 2011: Late Afternoon Nap
- 2012: The Song Likely Most Listened to Today
- 2013: Eating
- 2014: The Actual Party
- 2015: Keeping Up
- 2015: Carols: O Ce Veste Minunata
- 2016: Making the List
- 2018: Opłatek
- 2020: Pre-Christmas Yardwork
- 2021: Relative Time
- 2021: Aunt D and Uncle M
- 2022: Smoking for the Holidays
- 2023: Waiting
- 2023: Making Cookies