
Wednesday 23 June 2021 | general

The Girl’s first day on the job was yesterday, but she was just shadowing people. “I learned how to restock the ketchup! Thrilling!” she exclaimed with a hint of sarcasm.

Today, she worked on the cash register, which means she had multiple interactions with the public.

“Hi! Welcome to Culver’s! What can I get started fresh for you today?”

“Is that what you have to say? Those exact words?” I asked during our conversation after she returned.

“No, we just have to work ‘fresh’ into it somehow.”

“So you could say something like, ‘Hi! Welcome to Culver’s, home of freshity fresh-fresh freshness!’? Would that work?”

She rolled her eyes as a fourteen-year-old will do.

As for the picture, I had to sneak it.


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