Wednesday After Helene

Wednesday 2 October 2024 | general

There was more progress in the neighborhood today: the two trees blocking our road no longer are, and more importantly, the power up the street (due to the downed lines of those two trees) has been restored.

“Has been restored” — the most pathetic use of passive voice ever. Linesmen restored it. Men who are working twelve to fourteen hours every day to bring power back to the millions in the south who lost it.

We should all find one linesman and buy him dinner when this is all over. Each linesman would get dozens of evenings out. Probably hundreds. And we still wouldn’t have repaid them.

On our property, I worked today to remove the dam of debris that formed in our backyard creek. It was about five feet high and seemed like it would completely block the water the next time we had a heavy rain — so it had to go. I’ll finish it up tomorrow.

And in the evening, soccer practice and a walk around the fields. Surprisingly little damage there: almost no trees down at all.


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