“What are the general impressions of our President?” someone asked me. My response:
Folks who are firmly entrenched in the Trump cult of personality are thrilled. They worship the man, fly flags with his name on it, put up huge signs in their yards proclaiming their worship of the man. They’re positively giddy.
Folks who voted for him because they thought he’d accomplish this or that are taking a wait and see attitude.
Those of us who saw from the beginning that he was a narcissistic, racist, misogynistic idiot who knows next to nothing, cares about nothing other than himself, and acts and speaks most of the time like a petulant, spoiled child — we pretty much know what to expect, and he’s delivering from day one: His attempt today to override the 14th amendment with an executive order demonstrates he has as little respect for the constitution now as he did in 2021 when he incited an insurrection, and those two facts (among so many others) should provide all the proof anyone not in his cult would need that he is exceptionally unfit to be president.
I left out the fact that he surrounds himself with people who do things like this: