It used to be something we did fairly frequently in the spring: all four of us would go outside and do something together: swings, trampoline, badminton, or just a walk. I guess we all took it for granted, but soon enough, schedules shifted, kids grew up, calendars filled up, and these evening family times disappeared.
But we still have the net up from Easter; and we still have two kids who enjoy badminton. So all four of us were out playing, though never at the same time — that schedule thing again.
First I took on the Boy. He’s getting so much better, but he flubs some that should have been fairly easy. No pictures of that one.

Then K came out and played with the Boy. I snapped a couple of pictures, but not many — not even one of K playing.

Then the Boy went inside while K and I played a bit. We’re down to two working rackets, so options were limited.

Finally, the Girl returned home from getting crickets for her Australian Tree Frog — I don’t know that we have a single picture of her, but L has had her since eighth grade.

She plays with the Boy for a while, but then I suggest I take the Boy’s part and the Boy take the camera.

And so I promptly have fun while making a bit of a fool of myself. L wins at everything — it’s time we face it.

K, for her part, was inside, studying.

When will the stars align again for such a day?