The girls spent the weekend in Orlando at the — guess! You’ll never guess — Sunshine Qualifier volleyball tournament, and K was sending me pictures the whole time, but I neglected to post them here.

“This might be the last time you’re here,” L told K when K was talking about all the food options there, “so enjoy it!”

Last time K is there? Well, I am taking her to Nationals in Orlando in June, but what about next year?

Truth be told, this might very well be the last club season for us. If L doesn’t get a volleyball-based scholarship, there will be very little motivation to spend the time and money next year. Does this mean she’s giving up on her dream? Not really—academic scholarships have always been more likely (the girl is ranked 11 in a class of 400+ students) and she’s never experienced anything other than success in school. I think her lowest grade of high school is a 94 or 95.