
Saturday 18 November 2023 | general

This morning started with a mystery: an unknown dog was roaming around our driveway. When I went out to see if it was okay, he ran down to the fence and hid behind a bush there.

And he stayed there. I took him food; I took him water; I let him sniff me and then tried petting him. He took the food; he drank the water; he let me stroke him a little. We took some pictures, posted them on social media, and hoped for the best.

In the meantime, I set about trimming our second crape myrtle. We had to trim the one because it was sick, infested with some kind of insect that seemed to be killing the upper branches. And after we trimmed one, we couldn’t leave the other untrimmed.

By the time I had it almost completed, I got a notification from one of our social media posts about the dog: “That’s my dog!” So I shared our address, and she came to pick up her terrified pup.

The rest of the day passes as a usual Saturday: I’m in the yard; K works in the house.

And even when the last light has passed, she finds things to do.


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