Check, Please
I need to contest some of these charges.

To begin with, I don’t accept your view of sin. Sin is the violation of a deity’s will; since I don’t believe in a deity, I don’t sin. You can say I sin, but that’s just in your perspective, accepting as a given the deity you believe in.
Additionally, the shame you indicate I should have never showed up. I don’t feel shame for sinning — see above.
As for the pain and past mistakes, I don’t think your product does anything for that. My past mistakes remain mistakes; pain remains. It’s a defective product, in other words.
Rejection and loneliness? I know a lot of people who use your product and experience that. Indeed, your sales force itself practices rejection on a regular basis. Come to think of it, it regularly engages in shaming people as well.
Slavery to sin? See above.
Spiritual death? I don’t even know what that could possibly mean.
Jesus might have paid it all in your scheme of things, but I bought none of it.