While the Boy practices soccer, I either go for a walk or a run, depending primarily on how my knees feel. I’d discovered a nature path near the soccer fields long ago, and that path led to a sewer easement that in turn looked like another nature path. It wound through a forest and by a little creek.
When we came back from Poland and headed over there for the first practice of the fall season, I saw that developers had cleared the land and begun grading it for a new housing or apartment development.

Since then, the work has progressed, with the addition of a retention pond and several retaining walls.

I walked through the area today reflecting on the changes that have come and the further changes coming. What was only months ago a forest is now flat, barren ground; in a few months’ time, it will become someone’s home. They will likely not know about the transformation; they will like never have gone for a jog in the forest that became their backyard.

I find myself sometimes a little obsessed with these little tricks of time and knowledge, and I often wonder about the history of any given thing — a viral video, a house in the middle of nowhere, a car left on the side of the road with a DUI tag — and what led that car, that video, that house to be there at that moment. What led up to that? What were the events that followed one after another until the officer pulls over a weaving driver?