Monday for us is YMCA night — swimming. The outdoor pool is still open, and while the air is cool, the water is surprisingly warm. Sometimes we go as a family (minus the Girl, who’s always doing something else), and sometimes it’s just the boys, along with a friend from time to time.
I try to swim some laps, but I usually get to about 500 yards, and I’m exhausted. My arms burn; my pulse is racing; my legs hurt.

What gives me a sickening feeling is the thought that when I swam competitively in high school, we used to do 600-yard swim/kick/pull (200 yards of each) as the first part of our warm-up.
Still Off
My favorite cult leader predicted a specific date for Jesus’s return yet again. It was supposed to happen today. That’s at least 5 days I know of that David Pack has predicted Jesus will return. He’s batting a solid 000. Why anyone still supports the hack is a mystery to me.