For whatever reason, the Boy has become interested in dice — as in, the game. As in the gambling game. I’m not sure where this came from. He just came back from a trip to Target with K (or some other store) with a pack of six dice.

He learned how to play by watching a video after he bought the dice.
“How do you even play?” he’d asked.
“I’ve no idea,” I admitted.

So he’s learned and been playing betting with Monopoly money.

It’s been entertaining watching him celebrate when he wins and get playfully frustrated when he loses. We’re glad to see he’s not really taking it too seriously — that might be problematic for all kinds of reasons.

Today, I picked up where K left off in their game and promptly lost all my stash of $500 bills I’d inherited from K. “It’s not real betting: why not just go crazy?” I thought.

And then I promptly won them all back. And then all his $100s. And his $50s. And his $20s. In short, all his money. His response: “Well, happy Father’s Day!” with a smile.