Putting Him to Bed

Tuesday 29 March 2022

“Will you come check on me?”

For a few years now, that’s been one of the last things E has said to me or K. We put him in bed; we snuggle with him; we grow sleepy; we realize we can’t fall asleep; we get up and leave. He hears us.

“Will you come check on me?”

Gradually, it’s become a little different: “Will someone come check on me?”

The answer has gradually changed, too.

“Sure.” And then we wait for a while, doing something in the kitchen or reading at the dining room table. “Will someone come and check on me?” comes a voice from upstairs.

Eventually, “sure” because “probably.” The response initially is, “No, I need you to check on me!”

Eventually, he comes to accept that, and usually, someone goes to check on him. Usually. But not always.

“Probably” becomes “maybe.” “Maybe” eventually becomes “I hope so.” And “I hope so” remains for a while with an occasional, “No. I have too much to do tonight.”

This process has taken a couple of years. And now he’s nearly ten years old. And I come to realize that putting him to bed is almost done. For good. It was about this age that L began putting herself to bed, and the Boy already does it occasionally. So the end is near. And so the answers start backing up. “No” disappears, as does “I hope so.” “Probably” appears occasionally, but simple “yes” makes its return. For a while.