Heavy snowfall is nothing new to K — she grew up with sights like this:

Snowfall after snowfall all packed up, settled, and repacked to show just how much snow has fallen in the last few days.
We never get snow like that here, but rumor has it, we could get significant snow beginning tomorrow afternoon:
A winter storm warning and an ice storm warning for parts of our area is in effect until Monday morning.
- A winter storm warning indicates that heavy snow of at least 6 inches in 12 hours, or at least 8 inches in 24 hours, is expected. It can also be issued if sleet accumulation will be at least half an inch.
- An ice storm warning indicates that ice accumulation of at least 1/4 inch is expected. (Source)
It’s been years since we had any significant snow here. Last year’s snow didn’t even last a day:
Snowfall 2021
In 2020, we had a dusting of snow after the major flooding of our basement, but it was gone by the end of the day, I think:
And then snow
Earlier in 2020, we had a snowfall that lasted all morning and amounted to nothing — not even an early dismissal.
Snow and a Change
We have to go all the way back to 2018 to find significant snowfall:
So we’re all hopeful, but cautiously so.
“I flushed some ice cubes down the toilet,” L informed us?
“Yeah, and I’m going to sleep with a spoon under my pillow — superstitions for snow!”
We all do what we can.