Searching for Normalcy

Sunday 18 July 2021 | general

“Normal” is a fluid idea in our home these days with Papa’s condition, but with two kids in the house, we also have to try to keep the old “normal” part of our new normal.

Yesterday, for example, I took the Boy swimming in the afternoon (the Girl was not interested in going just to float around with a bum ankle if she didn’t have a friend with her, and it was too late to arrange all that), and afterward we went out for our favorite Boys’-Night-Out meal: Mexican. A taco and enchilada with beans and rice, all covered with sauces and queso?! Who wouldn’t love that?

“The only problem with going out for Mexican,” the Boy explained, “is that it’s so easy to stuff yourself.” That’s certainly true.

In the afternoon today, I spent a lot of time with the dog, kicking the ball for her to retrieve. Again and again and again.

She came back in a slobbering, exhausted mess.


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