First Check

Saturday 3 July 2021

The Girl recently began working at Culver’s, which is a restaurant we’ve passed on a busy road a number of times but which we’ve never given a thought to. We really didn’t even know the type of food they serve. So we were in the dark as much as the Girl.

She’s worked a few short shifts now, and today, she picked up an extra shift through the app the company uses for scheduling employees. Workers can request coverage for unexpected time they want off, and others can pick up that coverage for extra hours. So she went in to work from 4:00 to 8:30 today.

Today, she got her first check.

1 Comment

  1. Culver’s is a Wisconsin place! (Originated here and is headquartered here.) It’s fast food, but the quality of ingredients puts it a cut above the standard burger place. And of course, a Wisconsinite would routinely drive through to pick up a frozen custard — sinfully rich, but very yummy.