Sunday Ride and Party

Sunday 30 May 2021

The day began with a ride. It was unplanned in every way imaginable: we hadn’t planned on going for a ride today, and when we decided to go, we really didn’t make a plan where we would go. We simply got on our bikes and started riding. The only criterion: “I want to go somewhere we’ve never been,” the Boy said.

We started out going to a little neighborhood about two miles from our house that includes a really significant climb. When we finished, we were close to the back route that I take to work, which leads right by Nana’s and Papa’s old place.

“Want to ride to Nana’s and Papa’s old place?” I suggested.


And so we headed over to the old townhouse. We explored here and there coming back, and in the end, discovered we’d been gone for two hours and had ridden over 27 kilometers.

In the afternoon, we went to Polish Mass. After this particular Mass, though, the Polish community gathered for the first time for a little socializing.

The mothers got roses for Polish Mother’s Day, which was this week.

And naturally, there were speeches and singing.

I’ve said it often before: you can’t get a bunch of Poles together and not expect a speech.