The day before the big day, which will be a small big day this year, started off with a little bit of a change: flu shots. I’ve never really been one for getting a flu shot, not because I don’t believe in their efficacy but because I just never took the time. And I so rarely get sick that I think I’d lulled myself into a likely-false sense of security. But no more. Covid changes many things, my sense of security among them.
The rest of the day went by in a relative flash — butternut squash soup, playing with the kids and the dog on the trampoline, a quick shopping trip to pick up last-minute items and a cigar for tomorrow evening (what’s Thanksgiving without a cigar to put a bow on the day?), dinner, and then some family baking.

As we made pumpkin spice baklava, the Boy regaled us with select passages from Fox in Socks.