Tuesday Around the House

Tuesday 21 July 2020

We’ve had problems for years with water standing here and there on our property, but our massive flooding in February convinced me that it’s time to take the next step and start implementing a system to pull the water away from the house. The larger challenge: dealing with the front yard. This will involve massive amounts of digging, the installation of a fairly stout French drain system, and it will all begin with the removal of the shrubs in front of the two-story portion of our house. In other words, it will cost a lot in time and money, and we don’t have a lot of either now.

The manageable concern is the backyard. The water tends to gather in certain places due to poor drainage, which I’m fairly certain I’ve exacerbated over the years. Still, it’s not a major issue. Or so I thought. But when the lower part of the deck stairs began wobbling back and forth, I realized there was a problem. The wood of that part of the staircase has rotted completely, leaving nothing in contact with the ground. I fixed that last week. Now it’s time to deal with the water problem because it’s also beginning to rot the exposed portion of the support posts.

The Boy and I took care of that today.

Well, we began taking care of it. We still have a lot of work to do, but at the very least, we have uncovered the posts to the concrete (why would you then shovel four inches of dirt on top of the concrete? don’t you know that just hastens rot?) and removed the outer eighth-inch of rotted wood.

While we worked on all of this, K did some repainting: she’s got a few doors done and some trim. It makes the rooms look new.

L did her share of work but stayed out of camera view. Until the evening, when she was watching an episode of one of her shows.

The Boy, by then, was sound asleep.