The Elf

Friday 6 December 2019

E’s class has an Elf on the Shelf. You know the gag: every morning, when the kids come in, the elf is sitting somewhere else. The kids all have a good time looking for him.

Of course, the Boy then wanted one for our house. Fortunately for him, K is Polish, which means we celebrate St. Nicholas’s Day, which is today, which meant lots of excitement in the morning when we left the elf behind, wondering when he’d start migrating through the house.

K texted Papa in the morning. “Please put Emil’s elf in a different location, maybe somewhere in your room. He is supposed to migrate through the house magically. That will make him very happy.” And it did.

When the Boy went with K for tennis lessons this evening, the elf took off again. This time, he headed to Papa’s bathroom and perched himself high on the medicine cabinet.

“We have to be systematic in our search,” I explained as we ate.

“What does that mean?”

I explained; he agreed.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” he declared a few minutes later.

“Just go to Papa’s,” I suggested. “It’s closer.”

In he went; out he went — didn’t notice at all.

In our systematic search, he began going through all of Papa’s drawers.

“He’s an elf on a shelf, buddy, not an elf in a drawer,” I reminded, but he continued. Systematically.

We moved to the bathroom and he looked about, suggesting that perhaps the elf might have sought refuge in the washer or dryer. Nope.

He’d started moving to the living room when I pointed out that he’d forgotten one item with a shelf.

Our small X100 in hand, I jumped back as quickly as I could to frame the shot and managed to catch him just at the moment of discovery.