We took Papa back to the old country for a family reunion this afternoon, driving on backroads so rough that I thought we must have somehow teleported to Poland in the mid-90s. It was just the boys; the girls had volleyball tryouts and exam prep to complete today. So off the three of us went to meet with family we hadn’t seen in years.
The last time we went to this particular family reunion was seven years ago. L was younger than the Boy is now, and the Boy wasn’t. Nana was still able to travel, and several relatives who lived in the area still lived in the area.

Teens from that reunion are now married, likely with children. Some of them might have even been there. For me, most of them were unknown faces. Many of them were from Papa’s father’s brothers’ families, and I had seen them only a handful of times in my life.

Still, many of them — the older family — knew me, of course, and came to talk to me.
“How’s your dad doing?” was the common question. They asked Papa as well. His answer was never wavering: “I’m hanging in there.”