Seventh Birthday

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Babcia called while I was taking the Boy to school; Ciocia M, who is E’s godmother and virtual aunt, called in the afternoon; everyone else wished the Boy well throughout the day. Today, the little man turns seven.

Yesterday I was explaining to him that, technically, he turns seven at about one in the morning.

“Do you want me to wake you up then to wish you happy birthday?” I asked. The response was predictable.

Birthdays deserve to be filled with special little treats, and so the Boy had a chocolate croissant and a doughnut (both from Lidl, the only chain supermarket with actual baked goods that could be called “baked goods”). He took a batch of cookies to his class to celebrate his birthday with everyone. He got the cake of his choice after the dinner of his choice. Treats everywhere.

And he finally got a BB gun…

Papa was eager to give lessons on safety and handling.